Sail Training Adventures
Professional Sailing Instruction, Sailing Adventures and Seminars

Emergencies on Board
Sunday, March 2, 2025
0900-1630 EDT - $120.00
Stream on Zoom
This is an essential course for anyone who spends time on the water, whether local cruising or making an ocean passage.
1. Learn to expect the unexpected and do everything possible to PREVENT emergencies from happening.
2. Develop safety procedures on your vessel to be PREPARED for various emergencies.
3. Techniques on how to REACT to and MANAGE emergency situations, both physically and emotionally, should they occur onboard.
All participants receive course notes, case studies and copies of documents that will help set up a safety management system on your vessel.
There are also EMERGENCY EXERCISES to execute, that will help improve awareness of the conditions on board your own vessel.
Ken and Carol have experienced, dealt with, and witnessed many types of emergency situations.
Ken will share his experiences and teach you strategies to prevent and manage emergency situations on board your own boat.
Seminar Outline
Review Course Material and Exercises package
Scariest moments
Expect the unexpected
Reduce the Anxiety in Boating
Preventing Emergencies
Reducing Risks – 6 Steps
Preventing situations that you have control over
Preparing for emergencies that you have no control over
Black Box Theory
Review and Analyze Case Studies (3): Report on Picton Castle, Ouzo, and Panacea
When things go wrong!!
The BRAIN – Controlling first reactions
S.A.D. Principle
Managing Emergency Situations
Preparing yourself to deal with emergencies
Emergency Situations and Methods of Dealing With Them
Managing Emergency Situations (continued)
Abandoning Ship
When/Preparations/Ditch Bag/Task Assignment
Survival/Life Raft/Helicopter